Rashtrapati Bhavan : 13.02.2025

Dear probationers,
It gives me immense pleasure to meet you all today. Your hard work, capabilities and determination have been demonstrated by your selection in the prestigious services.
You have the opportunity to contribute directly to nation's development and prosperity through your domain of functioning, be it managing public finances or ensuring seamless connectivity and communication across the country. As India moves towards sustainable and inclusive development while focusing on innovation and digital initiatives, young civil servants like you, have an important responsibility to shoulder.
Dear probationers of Indian Civil Accounts Service, Indian Post and Telecommunication (Finance & Accounts) Service and Indian Railway Management Service (Accounts),
A strong public financial management system is the foundation of good governance. The services you represent have the crucial responsibility of ensuring a sound financial management system. Your role is of great significance, and it is essential that you take up this responsibility with dedication and acquire advanced skills for the purpose. Around the world, countries and institutions are developing integrated financial management information systems to enhance public service delivery, while also establishing global standards for accounting, auditing, and budgeting. It is imperative that you align yourselves with international best practices in these fields. Keeping pace with the fast changing technology is another area of challenge. You have to take measures to make the accounting and payment systems smooth and effective.
You have joined your service at a time when the country is experiencing digital transformation. Major initiatives by the government, including Direct Benefit Transfer, Public Financial Management System, e-bills and digital audit, have significantly enhanced the effectiveness in governance system. These initiatives reflect the national commitment to fostering a digitally inclusive financial ecosystem. Your role also goes beyond optimizing the use of financial resources; it involves analyzing the impact of policies and suggesting inputs to improve governance systems, including the financial management systems.
Dear probationers of Indian Postal Service,
The vast postal network of the country binds people, communities and the nation together. Traditionally, people used to write and post letters, and send parcels and money orders through postal services. Indian postal department ensured connectivity among rural and urban customers. I am happy to know that the postal department has adopted new technologies making service delivery more efficient and convenient. I appreciate the efforts of India Post Payments Bank for financial inclusion particularly for rural and under-served population.
You have the unique opportunity to make the postal department and services more customer-centric, innovative, digitized, inclusive and sustainable. You have to ensure that the postal network continues to serve as a big uniting factor in a vast and diverse nation as ours. You should remember that you will be able to play a vital role in empowering citizens, especially the less-privileged, through enhanced connectivity and financial inclusion.
Dear young officers,
There is an ever-rising expectation among public for greater speed and efficiency in service delivery, along with increased transparency and accountability. To cater to these requirements, it is essential for the government departments to modernize and digitize their systems by making best use of emerging technologies. Such technologies include machine learning, data analytics, blockchain technology and artificial intelligence. You should keep yourselves abreast of advanced technologies and skills, and strive to create more citizen-centric, efficient and transparent governance systems.
I am sure that you will make all efforts not only to excel in your individual careers, but also to contribute to effective delivery of government services to the people of India. I wish you success in your future endeavors of nation-building.
Thank you!
Jai Hind!
Jai Bharat!