Children Corner

Sr. No. Title
613 Why is there so much corruption in India? What should be done to stop it? What can we children do to help stop corruption?
614 How can we stop terrorism?
615 Why do you think that by 2020 India will become a developed country?
616 What are your future plans for the country?
617 If we want to become like you then what should we do?
618 What is the secret behind your success?
619 Sir, while studying and while working you must have had lot of problems. How did you cope with them?
620 Sir, please give some message of inspiration to all of us.
621 Sir, We know you are a music lover. Do you still get time to pursue your hobby?
622 Sir, You are an Ideal for many of us. Can you tell us who was your role model?
623 Sir, what do you eat for breakfast & what kind of food do you like?
624 Sir, Why only Hyderabad and Bangalore are known as 1st World renowned I.T. Centres & why not other places in India?
625 Sir, Why only Hyderabad and Bangalore are known as 1st World renowned I.T. Centres & why not other places in India?
626 Sir, What were your feelings when you became the Rashtrapati and whom did you remember at that time?
627 Sir, How do you feel on meeting us today?
628 Sir, We want to do something in life. How do you think it can be achieved?
629 Sir, you are an eminent scientist. How did you get attracted to Politics?
630 Cigarette smoking is injurious for health then why it is sold in the market?
631 What are you doing to increase employment in the country? On being the President, what are your expectations or what is your message to the citizen of India? How do you relate a normal citizen?s life and a President?s life?
632 With so much wealth and talent, why is India still not considered a developed nation?
633 cWith so much wealth and talent, why is India still not considered a developed nation?
634 You give away bravery awards every year. What is your definition of courage?
635 Why do rockets fly upwards and plane fly in a horizontal manner?
636 What steps are you taking to safe guard the dignity and honour of the women of your country?
637 What do you think of the brain drain from India?
638 How does it feel to be the President of this wonderful nation India?
639 We are always taught that all religions have to be respected, right from primary. My parents are telling me that they have also been taught the same thing. Then why are there communal riots? What can we, as young students do to prevent it?
640 How would you define a leader?
641 How are we to reconcile Globalisation, Privatisation, Economical Reforms on one hand and unemployment increasing population of India on other?
642 In what fields does India lack? What according to you is ?success??
643 Unemployment is increasing? How can you assure us that we will have earning opportunities?
644 Government?s trend is to commercialise higher education, on the other hand Government restrict employment opportunities to such educated youngsters. Whether your Honour agrees with my statement?
645 What is the greatest challenge that Indians face today?
646 What can we as students do to bring awareness in the problems related to population and social issues that still plague our country?
647 As students we are easily influenced by the western culture and tend to forget our Indian culture. What can we do in schools to recover our own culture?
648 Our national language is not accepted by Southern or Eastern States. What can we do about it? Should it be changed? How can we work for the welfare of our country? Give suggestions.
649 Why is money and not merit counted for entry into colleges?
650 Many students don?t get financial aid to study. What can you do for the same?
651 Indian researchers are being invited in other countries for their development? Why can?t our country give them opportunity so that they can contribute to India?s development?
652 When there is so much poverty, why are we spending so much on defence?
653 Every child is a scientist. What did you mean by it?
654 Space / Atomic Energy / Defence: Sir, What Was the Foremost Thing That Inspired You to Become a Rocket Scientist and Put India on the Space Map, in Spite of the Background That You Came From ? Do You Think It is Possible Us Too in Our Generation?
655 Space / Atomic Energy / Defence: Still there is child labor prevalent. Is there any practical solution for this?
656 Space / Atomic Energy / Defence: Is it true that the material Helium-3 is abundant on the surface of the moon? How it will help generate power on earth?
657 Vision 2020 / Students: At present there is corruption at all levels. Please tell us the role of the student community to make India corruption ? free by 2020.
658 Vision 2020 / Students: With the current rate of depletion of natural resources will it be possible to achieve vision 2020 ? If so what are the positive steps to decrease the rate depletion of natural resources ?
659 Vision 2020 / Students: What according to His Excellency should be the role of women, especially in defense, to achieve Mission 2020 ?
660 Provision of Urban amenities in Rural Areas (PURA): How can we contribute productively to enhance the PURA Model ?
671 Ancient India was civilized and knowledge society. Were we rated as developed in those days?
672 We need a second struggle like independent struggle to eradicate corruption in public life. To fulfill our mission for developed India we need to have many micro visions. Please comment?
673 When do you say that we are developed, What is the index?
674 Why child cries soon after the birth?
675 Is Life Possible After Death? What About the Existence of Ghost? If They Exist, How Do They Survive?
676 Which one among DNA, RNA and Protein, was first genetic material?
677 Human Genome is Out. Is There Any Research Being Carried Out to Find Genes for Emotions and Intelligence? If Yes How?
678 Why N2O induces laughing gas?
679 What is toxicology and quality control for ayurvedic medicine?
680 Why India accepts the talent when it gets the US label?
681 Do Active Thinking Continue During Sleeping? What is the Reality Behind Dream Intuitions?
682 Why are ocean flora and fauna are being explored for AIDS vaccine?
683 Will It Ever Be Possible to Go to Sun?
684 Is There Life Possible in Other Solar Systems?
685 Sir, the People Are Mislead Through Wrong and Sub Standard Advertisements Through T.v. And Other Medias. Can You Make Some Control on These So That the Young Generation Can Escape From the Clutches of the Selfish Motivated Business Men
686 Sir, It Says That is Religion is Like Alcohol. But Alcohol When Taken in Small Doses Can Do Good. How Can You Make a Change So That the Religion Can Be Given to People in Acceptable and Better Doses.
687 Sir, You Have Been Closely Connected With Rocket Launching and Conquering the Sky. Sir, What Do You Think is More Meaningful - Whether to Conquer the Sky or Conquer the Minds?
688 According to Mahatma Gandhi, We Can Feel the God Through Our Life. Likewise, What is Your Concept About God?
689 What is Your Scientific Opinion About Amma's Unnatural Powers?
690 What is the one incident in your past that has an indelible mark upon you?
691 What was your inspiration to write 'Wings of Fire'?
692 How could spirituality and science go hand in hand in present Indian set up?
693 How Do You Feel When People Like Bill Gates Donate for the Cause of Aids in India? Do You Feel Happy That They Are Helping in Our Fight Against Such Diseases or Do You Feel Sad That We Are Unable to Do Anything Regarding Such Circumstances
694 What is the Main Ingredient Needed for a Women to Overcome All the Social Adversities and Emerge Successfully ?
695 What Are the Lacuna's in Making Our Aerospace Systems to Be at Par With Nasa and How Can We Contribute Towards It?
696 Indian Science and Technology Has a Very Good Future but Indian Politics Should Not Interfere. What is Your Opinion? Don't You Think Indian Political System is Hindering the Growth of Our Technology?
697 During Your Childhood Did You Ever Think of Holding Such a Big Position. If So What Was the Role of Your Self-effort in Achieving It?
698 With Respect to Brain Drain What Would Be Your Solution to It?
699 Being a Person of Such Caliber as to Have Achieved More Than One Can Dream of in a Life Time, We Are Going to Ask You a Very Difficult Question. Could You Select One Achievement of So Many, That You Could Place as a Pedestal Higher Than Others, for the Re
700 Can we have an educational system in which the students can think independently ?
701 What Role Religion Can Play in India's Development?
702 Will Education System In 2020 Can Get Rid Of Unemployment, Terrorism, Corruption And Poverty?
703 In What Ways Science and Religion Can Coactively Help India to Achieve Its Vision of Being a Developed Nation by 2020
704 Sir You Have Talked and Written About Your Vision and Dream of a Prosperous and Strong India. Could You Please Tell Us About the Response You Have Received to Your Perspective From the Different Classes of Our Society.
705 What is the role that you envisage for an ideal politician in making India a developed country?
706 Sir, Swami Vivekananda was always keen in the problems of youth. He was so stern when he says that we have to produce LIONS and not slaves. Sir, what change can you implement in our present educational system to produce LIONS out of our youth?
708 As a Student, How Can I Contribute My Own Share for Fulfilling Your Dream of Future India?
709 Sir, You Had Promised Us That India Will Become a Developed Country by 2020. Can You Emphasize on the Roles That Has to Be Played by the Youths of Our Country
710 From Your Point of View What Could Prove to Be the Most Dynamic Driving Force Towards Our Country's Development?
711 What Should We Prefer in Childhood - English or Mother Tongue? In Practice, English Makes Career and Mother Tongue Gives Comfort?
712 Aren't We Encouraging Rote Method I Our Present Education System. Isn't There Anyway Gandhiji's Basic Education Be Revived?
713 Will the Inter-linking of Rivers Affect the Biodiversity of the Country?
714 How Can We Have a Syllabus Which Aims at Man Making Rather Than Degree Attainment?
715 How Can the Over Exploitation of Natural Resources and Industrialization Due to Rising Population Be Overcome?
716 As the President of This Country Who Really Cares and Loves Children, Can't You Put an End to Child Labour and Makes the Lives of Misslions of Those Poor Children Worth Living?
717 If You Get The Idea Of Inventing A "Time Machine" Then For What Will You Use It First?
718 Is Making of Another Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Possible in Today's Un-aided Education Fees System?
719 What is the Role of a Teacher in Today's Society? One Who Controls and Restricts or One Who Enlightens?
720 Every Fourth Member of Nasa is an Indian. Why Aren't Their Services Utilized in Our Country?
721 If You Were Not a Scientist, Which Other Field Would Have You Chosen - Politics, Acting or Teaching?
722 We Have Heard About Today's Child Friendly Rashtrapati Bhavan? When Can My Schoolmates and I Have Access to It?
723 Today, 14th November, The Birthday Of Chacha Nehru Is Celebrated As Children's Day. Sir, How Would You Like Your Birthday To Be Celebrated As?

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